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Return policy of Duoc Viet Y

Product Trial Program:
Customers can register to receive trial products within a specified period (usually 30 days).


During the trial, customers need to follow the product usage instructions and retain the packaging and purchase receipt.


Refund Conditions:
If after the trial period, the customer finds the product ineffective, they can request a refund.


To be eligible for a refund, customers need to provide test documents from a reputable medical facility, proving that the product did not deliver the stated benefits.


Refund Process:
Customers send a refund request along with the test documents and purchase receipt to Duoc Viet Y's Customer Care department.


We will review the request within 2 working days and respond to the customer.


If the request is approved, the refund will be processed within 7 working days from the date of approval.


Policy Limitations:
Each customer is entitled to use the refund policy only once for each type of product.


This policy does not apply to products that have been used more than 30% or have expired.


Duoc Viet Y's Commitment:
We are committed to handling all refund requests fairly and transparently.


If the customer is not satisfied with the decision, they can request a review or contact our complaint resolution department.

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